0z above with explosive development
While the October snow was certainly impressive and rare, a real life opportunity has come into the models for around the 6th or 7th. Above is the Euro interpretation from today. The GFS also has snow, but the accumulation is not there. What makes this different than Octobers storm(s) is that the thickness lines are clearly indicating snow, not just the 0 line at 850.
Now the 12z is showing the time before this explodes. I also note that the Canadian is not showing anything. The GFS has a light snow event though.
Of course, now its just plain cold air with no snow. But it was the first time a model had a good snow storm forecast.
Of course now the NAM, GFS, CAN and UK met also joined the EURO for at least the chance of snow. Thicknesses are well south, so its a matter of getting the precip, at least as of today/
surface temps still way too high for snow though. ITs weird. The nam has a 8.1c surface temp, -1.6 for 850 and thickness of 533. It should be well above 533 with those temps. Similar with GFS
Well we got to 32 degrees this morning, but no precip oh well
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